themeparrot showcase built with the templates

Themeparrot Showcase: Awesome Websites built with our Templates

This week we are putting on a show for you. We’re going to take you on a tour of some amazing websites that have used Themeparrot Templates to give their business/eCommerce sites great design and functionality. We’ve also included some sites that still need a little more work but are on the right track to great website design.

1. 77Brussels – Yummy Theme

17Brussels has leveraged Yummy theme’s stylish menu options to create an appetizing food catalog. The website is still in development, but 17Brussles has put together what looks like a cool restaurant eCommerce website.

They’ve got a 3-page catalog of different food items and each food item on the catalog takes you to a product page for more details about the dish. They also have a special food catalog of the day’s specials and a food blog to enlighten readers more.

Download the Yummy Theme.

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2. Furlan Snowboards – Splash Theme

Furlan is a fully developed eCommerce site based on the Splash Multipurpose theme. This website has a full-fledged catalog displaying different skiboards in size and design variants. Furlan’s attractive website contains an even more attractive home page with a big beautiful video banner.

They have a simple neat product page with the respective snowboard’s characteristics to see which snowboard fits you perfectly. They also host video episodes and blogs on their website.

Download the Splash Theme.

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3. Horizon Services – Runway Theme

Horizon services have a neat website that displays a range of different services. They offer telecom services, automation services, security, and IT solutions. The neat blue and white website is stylish and professional and suits the corporate style perfectly.

They also have a pretty neat company page, detailing their work, culture, and goals and also an introduction to the core team. They also have a page to detail out their main clients.

Download the Runway Theme.

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4. Jaam TV Arabic – Origin Theme

Jaam TV sells different subscription plans to subscribe to tv channels. You can watch these channels by syncing your tv to your internet. You don’t need any dish or antenna support. They have a neat support page, that gives you clear instructions on how to set it up. They also have a FAQ page to answer common queries.

Download the Origin Theme.

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5. Fleischbox – Claypot theme

Claypot is a beautiful template designed especially for restaurant sites and websites selling foodstuffs online. Fleischbox has used Claypot to create a neat eCommerce website to sell organic meat cuts online. Fleischbox also has a simple neat menu to display all the different products they sell on their site.

They have an informative section on how organic meat is acquired and processed. They’ve also included some preorder options and easy payment options where you can pay once the meat is delivered. They also have a special recipe section with neat recipes and beautiful food images.

Download the Claypot Theme.

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6. SPDiary – Trendz Theme

SPDiary sells special menu cards for restaurants. They have a variety of menu options for different types of restaurants. The website is not complete yet, but SPDiary shows promise of great design with its neat layout menus, and categories.

The product page of each menu design is uncluttered with clear selection options for you to choose the material color, the menu interiors, and logos. We can’t wait for them to finish their site to see what it looks finally.

Download the Trendz Theme.

I want to Live preview it Before I Buy!

You can also create a great website for your business with Themeparrot Templates. Download them and begin creating a beautiful site right away!



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