Weight Based Pricing for WooCommerce
WooCommerce Weight Based Pricing plugin helps you define your inventory in weight and set prices based on weight ranges. Simple to use and well-performing one. Allow your customers to select the weight according to their choice. It applies to all weight-based products.

Add customized pricing fields to define the price for weight-based products
Allow your customers to select the weight according to their choices. It applies to all weight-based products.

Key Features

Weight Unit
Select the weight unit for your product from the drop-down list

Min & Max Weight Options
Specifies the maximum and minimum weight limit for the products

Weight Intervals
Specifies the increment or decrement weight values of the products

Wastage Percentage
Specifies the wastage unit of the product in percentage

Weight Ranges
Enables you to set the weight range (From / To) for the products

Regular Price
Provides the actual price of your WooCommerce products

Sale Price
Provides the sale price (current selling price) of your products

Pricing Rules
Add various pricing rules for products with our weight-based pricing plugin

WPML Compatibility
Users work with their preferred languages with WPML compatibility

User Friendly

Weight-Based Options
- Weight Unit
- Minimum and Maximum Weight Limit
- Weight Interval
- Wastage Percentage
- Custom Weight Rule with Multi-Price Range

Customizable Options

Enable / Disable Weight Optimization

Actual Weight

Pricing Rule

WPML & Loco Compatible

Weight-Based Shipping Plugin Compatible

Custom Label